I’m not actually here right now. I’m probably sleeping. Later today I’ll be on a beach, reading a novel. Tonight I’ll be drinking wine and looking at the stars and playing would you rather. I will be windswept and salt stung and probably a little sunburnt.
I’m thinking about pitching my phone into the sea for the duration.
In the mean time, I made you a present! This is a guide to volunteering in the 2024 election in google doc form. It’s organized by how much you want to talk to people, and how much you want them to talk back, and if I do say so myself, it’s excellent. I made one in 2020 that people found very useful, and I hope that this one will also make it easier for you to join the fight for democracy if you haven’t already.
Check it out, and send the link to one other person this week! I wanna come back to a wave of volunteer stories in my comments from a bunch of new subscribers who all came here to fight for democracy. You guys can take care of that while I’m gone, right? Thanks!
See you soon!